After the groceries were cleaned and put into the freezer for the day I decided to start eating again, I walked to my file cabinet to record info on my fuel purchase, including mileage: 15 miles per gallon.
When I looked at my last entry, I turned green. It had been seven weeks since my last fueling! In seven weeks, I’d driven 305 miles! I used to drive more than that each week when I was in sales. Last year I drove 4,000 miles. This year it may be even less.
You may translate that into: Auntie Eartha sure has a boring life, but it isn’t true! My life is as rich as a hot fudge sundae…with nuts. I’ve hung around with more nuts and had more fun in the last seven weeks than most college kids do in Boulder. To balance the play, I’ve worked hard in my yard and home.
Daily hikes begin and end at my home—no driving.
My gorgeous, vivacious, overambitious girlfriend in Grand Junction called and said, “With the economy as it is, people are going to have to start living like you!”
Me? That’ll be the day hitchhiking becomes popular again. We’ll start with a green thumb.
copyright © 2008 by Auntie Eartha. All rights reserved.

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