Monday, April 12, 2010

To Sell or Give Away: That Is the Question

Seems that whenever I'd like to sell something, I end up giving it to someone for free anyway as an act of compassion. I suspect if I asked for money I'd feel guilty, so I remain demure, if you can imagine that.

Nevertheless, I thought I'd test my luck on eBay. Some people make a living buying stuff inexpensively or emptying their closets, then arousing a little action around the thing. Some gal with several kids once sold some Pokemon cards for about a thousand bucks because her story was so funny.

Wonder what I have that could give someone a rise.

Auction ends Wednesday before 10 a.m. MDT.
Vintage Hippie Bell-bottom Jeans

Take time to read my jeans' description. It's worth the ride.


  1. How did the sale go? Did you get any offers to take the pants off of you?

  2. I didn't even receive an offer for a date!
    Poor ol' Auntie :-(


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