Dear Auntie,
I didn't see anything in there about your taking Shiloh to the vet for his various problems. My dogs have had ear infections, and the medicine from the vet clears them up in a couple of weeks at the most.
Is the vomiting usually related to drinking fast? My dogs do that occasionally, so I limit their intake after a walk or run, or I'll let them drink only a little at a time, but several times. It keeps air bubbles from forming.
What kind of dry food do you feed him? I thought my dogs were getting a good quality food and found out differently from a Web site that rates all kinds of dog food. Foods like Science Diet and Iams are actually near the bottom.
Where did you get the idea to feed him all that other stuff? Raw poultry can have a fat content that may not be the best, and chicken is usually cooked extensively to remove it. Turkey especially can make dogs sick—even when cooked. Have you tried eliminating things until he stops puking?

Due to excessive personal health-care costs (four surgical procedures in seven months that consumed 50 percent of my income), vet visits are few, while visits to Home Remedies are frequent. People have sought my counsel for my healing abilities, so I always start within, unless it’s a dire event, such as the one Shiloh experienced in July 2008 (and cost $600+).
Shiloh did have his lemon-sized tumor aspirated March 9, but I didn’t have the funds to get x-rays or teeth cleaned, which would have cost about $400. Something might be obstructing his throat and intestines. The doctor said nothing about his ear infection, so she either didn’t notice, or I’m sufficiently cleansing the big guy’s “aurifices.”
I believe you are right on post-water-gulping regurgitation. This week when I didn’t allow him to drink until his panting slowed, he did not upchuck. Your formula of several well-spaced sips is perfect. Occasionally in the morning if he doesn’t eat at his regular time, he’ll vomit mustard-colored mucus. He always has fresh water available and is unable to graze on feline excrement, so I haven’t determined the cause of these prebreakfast barfing bouts.
I agree with you regarding dry dog food brands. Science Diet and Iams have made both of my dogs ill. The first thing my daughter and I do when shopping for dry dog food is read the ingredients. If the first component is corn or wheat or anything but meat, not by-products, we do not buy it. Purina One, large breed and sensitive stomach, have worked well for both Shiloh and his cats. Please share with us the Web site that rates dog food.
My idea for feeding him raw food comes from the book by Kymythy Schultze published by Hay House that I cited at the end of my last post, plus a video produced by dog breeders and trainers, the pet food store that used to be by the Cheyenne Mountain library branch, and other sources. I sometimes have queasiness seeing and touching meat, so a completely raw diet isn’t good for me!
Whenever I deal with meat, I thoroughly rinse it (except ground beef, which he usually eats) and bleach all surfaces that might have been affected.
Because of the bacteria poultry carries, I ensure I have a separate plastic disposal bag open, pour canola oil on my meat cutting board, am extremely careful not to touch handles or other surfaces after touching meat, slice off and dispose of fat, then bleach clean the area. Time consuming, so infrequently done.
When making Shiloh’s chicken soup that he generously shares with his feline brothers and me, I retain the fat, unless excessive.
I haven’t tried turkey, but for the first time I bought some ground bird last week. I shall give it to the fox and magpies.
And yes, I have tried the process of elimination with the goal of puke cessation. By adding more broth and fewer solids to his food, then feeding him a little more later, I believe I’ve seen some improvement.

As my friend says, “Your dog’s bulimic.”
You are welcome to borrow my book!