You have surely heard my speech about feeding dogs. They are carnivorous and should NOT have ANY GRAIN at all.

I think vegetables and fruits are okay if they like them. [Auntie: I’ve read that when coyotes and wolves kill their prey, they dive into the stomach first, because their prey is herbivorous. Shiloh loves most fruits and veggies, not to include bananas.]
No vaccinations after the first ones. [Auntie: see]
No fertilizer on the grass, and if you can, filter their water.
Let’s see: Are those all of my words of wisdom?
Don’t allow them to walk on fertilized parks and yards. They absorb those chemicals into their pads.
I don’t think invisible fence collars are good for them. [Auntie: though I’ve become a big fan of bark collars the neighbors use!]
All of this goes for cats too.
Anyway, I wish more people would take the time to find out what they should be doing with those precious animals who have no say in life but to rely on what we choose to do for them. I was devastated when my close friend and neighbor lost two golden retrievers to cancer—within a year, and they were 3 years apart in age and not related. Pretty much tells me something he was doing was wrong.
I also put in a home radon emitter to ensure radon wasn’t the problem. So far we have not had any issues with our dogs since changing all of this.
The American Veterinary Medical Association even agrees that they don’t need vaccinations every year. I told our Humane Society that I would be happy to license them every year but that I would not do the shots. They told me that if I got a letter from a vet, they would agree to that. They know it is not good for them.
I would love everyone to have this information, because I went for years going merrily along not knowing that I was doing harm to those precious creatures. I am very passionate about this and am so thrilled that you will help me pass on the message.
I get my food from a lady named Kathy Stabler and am more than willing to share her number. She delivers it to the house and makes very little profit on it.
Carmen, who used to own a pet store on Eighth Street (by the Cheyenne Mountain Library, Colorado Springs, and sold meat for dogs), spent years researching and has been kind enough to share her knowledge. She even went to the effort to have blood work done on one of her pets (cost her more than $300) to prove to the Humane Society that her animals did not need any further vaccinations. She is an amazing person too, and if you need her information, let me know. —Carol