Monday, June 8, 2009


Q: Where on earth can a child be sexually molested and the known perpetrator allowed to continue his behavior for 10 years without being charged?

A: Colorado Springs and the El Paso County Fourth Judicial District.

Q: Where can a grandmother gain custody of her grandchild but not be able to travel without written permission from the unfit mother?

A: Colorado Springs and the El Paso County Fourth Judicial District.

Q: Where can women be verbally, physically, and emotionally abused by their husbands, be sent to three different organizations designed to help women, and still not receive help without police intervention?

A: Colorado Springs and the El Paso County Fourth Judicial District.

Q: When one of the aforementioned organizations hands out a four-page resource list, should the only two numbers you select be operable?

A: Not necessarily in Colorado Springs and the El Paso County Fourth Judicial District.

I love helping people, but sometimes I feel as though my city and county are working against me. Does anyone else feel this way? Auntie’s not feeling real humorous today.

copyright © 2009 by Auntie Eartha. All rights reserved.

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1 comment:

  1. Yep, if we ever sit down over a couple of beere I'll tell you about the time the police came to my house, put me in handcuffs, arrested me and put me in the county jail for a couple of days. They also impounded my Mercedes which was sold at auction without my knowledge,

    Ok,more than a couple of beers... I have not ben impressed with much in this town, except for teen court if those grandkids ever get arrested...


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